
Work in our lab concentrates on different areas of research that generally focus on the ecology and evolution of fishes:

Speciation of fishes

We address this question using a variety of approaches: genomics of local adaptation, population genetics, phylogeography, phylogenetics, life history and ecological studies.  For a review of the topic you can read this paper.

Developing sustainable coral reefs in Micronesia

We are part of a group of scientists and indigenous people that work together toward the common goal of sustaining reefs using traditional knowledge and modern scientific tools. This work is done in Ulithi Atoll, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia with One People One Reef.

California Conservation Genomics Project

CCGP aims at building the most comprehensive genomic dataset ever assembled for conservation science. Our lab is involved with studying four marine fish species, Black Surfperch, Woolly sculpin, California Shephead (in collaboration with Michael Dawson) and Monkeyface prickleback (in collaboration with Donovan German).

The genetics of Lessepsian Bioinvasions

With the opening of the Suez Canal, in 1869, there was an opportunity for Red Sea fishes to invade the Mediterranean Sea, these are called Lessepsian bioinvasions.  Global climate change is increasing the rate of such invasions and we are trying to understand the genetics underlying such processes.  Here is a paper that summarizes our findings.

Long Term Ecological Research

For a number of years we have been involved with the Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research program.  We are working on long term monitoring of fish assemblages (e.g. this paper) and on the recruitment dynamics of fishes, primarily clownfishes and three-spot dascyllus (e.g. this paper).  Check out the MCR-LTER website for more info.

Interested in joining the lab?  Just contact us!